

The Engineering Center is a connecting link between science and the production process. We merely assemble a constructor to create a successful commercial project and guarantee its smooth operation for both the customer and the contractor. Our pilot production sites help us to scale the technologies researched in the lab and tailor them to the needs of production. Here is a story about one of our key partners that does such research.
The Laboratory of Catalytic Research (LCR) at TSU is an indispensable link in our chain, which includes science, engineering, production, and bringing new technologies to a wider market. It is a rare example of a science partner, which conducts a useful applied research work in demand by the chemical industry.

In essence, the Engineering Center came to being as a logical result of the interaction of the LCR with business and industry. Over time, the ECTC has debugged and fined-tuned this interaction mechanism and made it understandable and beneficial for all participants.

Together with the LCR, we have implemented over five big research and industrial projects, including development and implementation of the new catalytic systems for a number of major organic chemistry enterprises and the new sorbent and catalyst products for gas and oil refining.

The scope of expertise possessed by the LCR enables us to solve a wide set of problems: ranging from the synthesis of new catalysts and sorbents and design of catalytic processes from the ground up to the training of the company’s personnel.
The Catalytic Research Lab at TSU is a modern, dynamically developing research center conducting a wide spectrum of fundamental and applied studies in the field of physical chemistry and catalysis.

The Laboratory’s history goes back to 1965, when it branched off the Chair of Physical Chemistry into an industrial research laboratory.

Currently, the laboratory has a staff of over 40 people. Including:

Коллектив лаборатории сегодня — это более 40 человек
3 doctors of science (Dr.Sci. and postdocs)
12 candidates of science (PhDs)
14 post-graduate students
1 engineer
over 20 students of the Chemical Department

Laboratory's Activities

Research in Catalysis and Sorption
  • Synthesis of new and improvement of the existing catalytic nanocomposite materials and sorbents, including porous coordination polymer, bimetallic coated compositions, and ordered mesoporous materials.
  • Determining catalytic activity and optimum work conditions for the heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts in the oxidizing processes (selective oxidation of organic compounds, catalytic afterburning, low-temperature water and air cleaning, including photo catalysis); in the processes of hydrocarbon dehydrogenating to olefins; and in the processes of oxidized dehydrogenating of hydrocarbon gases.
  • Studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of the catalytic reactions; determination of the structure and reactivity of active surfaces of solids (experimental methods and theoretical ab initio calculations).
  • Catalytic processes under high pressure (olefin metathesis, synthesis gas conversion).
  • Studies of oxidation-reduction and acid-base properties of the surfaces of heterogeneous catalyzers and functional materials using non-isothermal kinetics methods (TPD, TPO, TPR, Temperature-Programmed Reaction).
  • Determining textural characteristics (specific surface area, porosity) of porous materials, catalysts, and sorbents.
Applied Research
  • Designing pilot catalytic processes, parameter refinement of catalytic processes under close to industrial conditions.
  • Performing the R&D contract works for research and industrial organizations (development of functional materials, sorbents and catalysts; measurement of catalytic activity, sorption capacity and the like; carrying out investigations and tests on a high-tech modern equipment).
  • Management of fundamental and applied R&D within the framework of the student and post-graduate research programs.
  • Organizing and hosting industry specific conferences.
  • Organizing personnel qualification upgrade trainings for research and industrial companies.
  • Organizing individual practical trainings and seminars for researchers, university teachers, and industry specialists.


Оснащение ЛКИ
Currently, the Laboratory has over 50 units of modern analytical and research class equipment, which enables us to carry out:
measurement of specific surface area and porosity;
measurement of the sorbent and catalyst strength characteristics;
measurement of the acid-base properties of the sorbent and catalyst surfaces;
thermal and phase analysis;
spectroscopy investigations;
preparation of sorbents and catalysts via mixture, impregnation, sedimentation, sol-gel technique, mechanical activation followed by granulation and extrusion;
determination of catalytic activity in the processes occurring in liquid and gas phases as well as under high pressure when using online chromatographic analysis.

Key Areas:

  • Dehydrogenation and oxidative dehydrogenation of С2 — С5 hydrocarbons.
  • Low-temperature oxidation of volatile organic compounds, CO, and soot oxidation.
  • Industrial technologies of catalytic cleaning of exhaust gases.
  • Catalysts for air and water cleaning under photo catalysis.
  • Partial oxidation of mono- and polyatomic alcohols in liquid and gas phases.
  • Liquid phase catalytic oxidation of saturated and alkylaromatic hydrocarbons: hydroperoxide, alcohol, and carbonyl compound technologies.
  • Modeling and optimization of catalytic processes in the production of caprolactam, phenol, propylene oxide, and other basic products.
  • Catalytic metathesis of olefins with propylene preparation.
  • Special-purpose sorbents and functional composites for gas and oil chemistry.
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